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This book has 4 recommendations
Stephen Woessner (CEO/Predictive ROI)
This book is an exceptional step-by-step guide any entrepreneur can learn from because Stacy does an awesome job covering the right lessons with the right detail. The end of each chapter includes "Sign Posts" to help you take action on critical points along your path. And Chapter Two, in my opinion, is where the rubber meets the road for any business owner--learning how to deal with self-doubt, negativity, self-sabotage, and then the lessons of how to define your priorities and giving yourself permission to fail. Outstanding!Casey DeStefano (CEO/CaseyDeStefano.com )
If you are an entrepreneur, stop what you are doing and go get this book! Stacy takes the stress out of running your own business and makes it fun. She guides you in self-realization to better equip you for your journey ahead. She will enlighten you on how to deal with money, clients and your reputation. Stacy's book is one that I refer to time and time again to inspire me to stay in the game and win!Greg Hammond (CEO/Hammond Iles Wealth Advisors )
Whether you are thinking about starting a business or have run a business for years, you can learn from Stacy Tuschl's insights and experience. In Is Your Business Worth Saving? you will gain practical, easy-to-implement advice on how to improve your business and take it to the next level.Cheryl Tan (CEO/CherylTanMedia.com)
Stacy Tuschl's step-by-step guide to building a profitable business is spot on. There's a lot of work involved in getting a solid business off the ground, and Stacy hits on all the elements. The examples she uses from her own business and life are a road map for other entrepreneurs. If you're struggling to figure out whether your business is worth saving, read this book.Amazon description
If you’ve poured your heart and bank account into your business but are struggling to make your numbers, drowning under a million unfinished plans, or stressing over every last detail, you may not know the answer to the question, “Is Your Business Worth Saving?”
The truth lies underneath all your fears, worries, and to-do lists.
With help from entrepreneur and business coach Stacy Tuschl, you will uncover the next steps to taking your business from so-so to successful.
In this practical guide, business coach Stacy Tuschl shares a personalized, step-by-step plan for rescuing your business--and your sanity. She talks directly to YOU and other female entrepreneurs who are lost in the responsibilities of running a business while maintaining a full life.
“Your pursuit of success in any one aspect of your life cannot come at the cost of the rest of what makes you who you are.”
This book is for you if you've asked yourself:
- Is this business worth all the time, money, and effort I've been putting into it?
- Am I really capable of doing this?
- Should I continue down this path?
- What if I'm in over my head?
- How will I know what to do next?
Stacy helps you assess whether your business can be rescued, and then provides you with her tested, actionable strategies to help it not only survive, but thrive.
In this book, you'll find:
- Critical questions and get-real evaluations to help you assess the health and viability of your business
- Financial know-how
- Innovative marketing ideas
- Tips for working well with clients and team members
- Her sought-after strategies for business partnerships
- The key elements of her exclusive business tracking systems
- Strategic processes to determine your direction
- What’s holding you back from getting there, including areas of self-sabotage, business blunders, financial habits, and image-killers
- Tips, disciplines, and practices to dig yourself out of a rut and charge to the top
Along the way, Stacy guides you in assessing your own strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur so you get out of your own way and achieve your true potential. At the end of each chapter, Sign Posts help provide reassurance that you’re headed in the right direction on a difficult journey.
Rather than a one-size-fits-all solution to your business challenges, this guide offers Stacy's proven and personalized Business Rescue Road Map. With this plan in hand, you can become the innovative, excited, and passionate entrepreneur you want to be, and live the life of your dreams!
By calling on the best you have to offer, you’ll become an asset to your business and reach a new level of life, balance, and joy.
Full of front-line lessons learned and motivational tips, “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” is a 168-page change agent for entrepreneurs at any stage.
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Stephen Woessner, Casey DeStefano, Greg Hammond, Cheryl Tan