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This book has 1 recommendation
Andi Dumitrescu (Musician, Film Maker)
My career path is made of several components, all of them main ones: sound engineering, film montage, movie directing, composition and vocal singing. That’s what I want to do in life and this is what makes me happy. For each of these, I’ve had book to help me along the way: The Eye is Quicker, by Richard D. Pepperman, Cut by Cut by Gael Chandler, The Technique of Film and Video Editing by Ken Dancyger, Directing by Mike Goodridge, Cinematic Storytelling by Jennifer Van Sijll, Sound for Picture by Tom Kenny and The Rock'n'Roll Singer's Survival Manual by Mark Baxter.Amazon description
Many novice writers and directors forego the huge creative resource of the film medium, defaulting instead to dialogue and narration to tell their film story. Yet most films are carried by sound and picture. This book contains 100 non-dialogue techniques used by professionals to tell the story.
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