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This book has 1 recommendation
Gary Bury (Co-Founder/Timetastic)
I read Gordon Ramsay's autobiography - Humble Pie. In it he talks about some of the lessons he learnt building up his restaurants, and indeed failing. I grew up in a hotel so the hospitality industry has always interested me. I recall him talking about improving profits by targeting one additional pound per customer. I liked that, it resonated with me. There is so much emphasis these days on landing that one big deal that it’s often forgot that a wide range of small customers will bring you a steady income stream without the volatility of a small number of large customers.Amazon description
Everyone thinks they know the real Gordon Ramsay: rude, loud, pathologically driven, stubborn as hell. But this is his real story...This is Gordon Ramsay's autobiography - the first time he has told the full story of how he became the world's most famous and infamous chef: his difficult childhood, his brother's heroin addiction, his failed first career as a footballer, his working relationship (and subsequent feud) with Marco Pierre White: all of these things have made him the celebrated culinary talent and media powerhouse that he is today.
Gordon talks frankly about: his tough childhood: his father's alcoholism and violence and the effects on his relationships with his mother and siblings; his first career as a footballer: how the whole family moved to Scotland when he was signed by Glasgow Rangers at the age of fifteen, and how he coped when his career was over due to injury just three years later; his brother's heroin addiction: Gordon's brother has a long-documented struggle with drug addiction and has spent time in prison.
Now, he is clean and his real story is told for the first time - Gordon's early career: Gordon was Marco Pierre White's protege at the legendarily brutal kitchen at Harvey's, and now speaks out about the controversial truth behind their falling-out and subsequent feud. Gordon also discusses how his career developed from there: his time in Paris under Albert Roux and his seven Michelin-starred restaurants; kitchen life: Gordon spills the beans about life behind the kitchen door, and how a restaurant kitchen is run in Anthony Bourdain-style; and how he copes with the impact of fame on himself and his family: his television career, the rapacious tabloids, and his own drive for success.
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