Like what we do? This is your chance to support The CEO Library!
Hey everyone,
As you probably know by now, we started The CEO Library last year as a way for people with an entrepreneurial mindset to find the best books to read at a specific stage in their life or business.
During this time, we met a lot of amazing people and we’ve had some great feedback from you. And this showed us that we’re doing good what we’re doing and the project is worth working on. So far, we have more than 2,000 books curated by entrepreneurs and manually added by us, more than 200 interviews with entrepreneurs from all over the world and dozens of plans and ideas for the future. And in order to get there, we need your support.
However, the thing with businesses is that they have a bad habit of needing money to run. And since we’re not really fans of displaying ads all over the website and want to keep the experience as enjoyable as possible for you, we decided to approach this a little differently and so we started a Patreon campaign.
For those of you who are not familiar with Patreon: this is a way for people to support content creators, like us. You can donate an amount of money on a monthly basis until you decide it’s enough (you can cancel the subscription anytime). The pledges start at $3 and you can read more about how you can support us on our Patreon page:
What are we doing with the money?
Long story short, right now we’re using every resource we have for growing the project. Adding all the books, interviewing entrepreneurs, keeping in touch with people and so on takes a lot of time. So we need to grow the team. Then there are the costs involved in running the website (hosting, developer, tools, etc.). We also have a lot of new things we want to try and we need resources for that (and since time is a limited resource, let’s see what we can do about money).
What are you getting for pledging?
If you’re reading this, it’s probably not the first one, so you know what we’re trying to do and you appreciate that. That we’re encouraging education through reading and helping aspiring entrepreneurs. And yes, if someone reads a book recommended by us and it helps at a specific moment, we like to consider ourselves part of that success. And by pledging any amount, you’ll also be a part of that. Consider yourself as a contributor to education. I know, it sounds fancy, but that’s exactly what you’ll be.
Besides this, all of you who will pledge any amount will get an invitation to our “inner circle”, basically an email list where we’ll let you know of our upcoming plans. For higher pledges, you’ll also get special access to everything we do in the future, and trust us, we have so many plans…books, courses, workshops. For even higher pledges (from $25 up), we’ll also send you some nice gifts to show our gratitude.
So, if with what we did so far on The CEO Library we convinced you to support us, we are extremely thankful for that. Again, here is the Patreon campaign where you can pledge.
Thank you!
Cristina, Bobby and Vlad
The CEO Library Team