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This book has 1 recommendation
Miracle Olatunji (Founder & CEO/OpportuniMe)
One of the key factors that impact our quality of life is our finances. This book is relevant to the concerns and questions that myself and fellow young professionals have as we enter or navigate our lives and careers in our 20s and beyond!Amazon description
Create a solid pathway for financial success Millennials often confront greater difficulties—including economic uncertainty and student debt—than those who came before them. This new financial responsibility can be intimidating, and many people are unsure where to begin. Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies will help Millennials to be confident about managing their finances and get on a clear path toward financial security.
Inside, trusted financial advisor Eric Tyson shows students and recent grads how to make smart financial decisions in order to pay off student loans, avoid any additional debt, and create a solid plan to ensure their financial success. From avoiding common money mistakes to making informed investment choices, Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies covers it all!
- Build a foundation through smart spending and saving
- Rent, buy, or sell a house
- File taxes the right way
- Protect your finances and identity in the digital world
- Get ready to forge your own path to financial security!
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