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This book has 5 recommendations

Brad Feld (Co-Founder/Foundry Group)

Sell More Faster is the sales playbook every startup founder needs to read. Whether you're searching for product-market fit or have found it and are starting to scale, this book will give you the play by play approach of what you need to do to build an awesome sales organization.

Nicole Glaros (Chief Investment Strategy Officer/Techstars)

Sell More Faster is a disciplined approach to figuring out who your customers are and how to build a high performing sales organization. If you're a pre-series A company, this book is a must read!

David Cohen (co-CEO/Techstars)

Every company needs to figure out who your customers are and how to scale your sales organization. Sell More Faster is the first book which takes that complicated task and breaks it down into a playbook every founder can follow.

Aziz Gilani (Managing Director/Mercury Fund)

Anyone can sell a known product, brand, or reputation, but if you want to start from scratch, you have to listen to Amos Schwartzfarb.

Kurt Rathmann (Founder, CEO/ScaleFactor)

Reading Sell More Faster will give you the same unfair advantage we had at ScaleFactor which has enabled rocket ship growth in a very short time. Sell More Faster is a must read for every startup CEO and Head of Sales.

Amazon description

"From Amos Schwartzfarb, serial entrepreneur and veteran Managing Director of Techstars Austin comes the elemental, essential, and effective strategy that will help any startup identify, build, and grow their customers from day 1

Most startups fail because they can’t grow revenue early or quickly enough. Startup CEOs will tell you their early missteps can be attributed to not finding their product market fit early enough, or at all. Founders overspend time and money trying to find product-market fit and make false starts, follow the wrong signals, and struggle to generate enough revenue to scale and raise funding. And all the while they never really knew who their customers were, what product they really needed, and why they needed it. But it doesn’t have to be this way, and founders don’t need to face it alone. Through expert guidance and experienced mentorship, every startup can avoid these pitfalls.

The ultimate guide for building and scaling any startup sales organization, Sell More Faster shares the proven systems, methods, and lessons from Managing Director of Techstars Austin and sales expert Amos Schwartzfarb. Hear from founders of multi-million-dollar companies and CEOs who learned firsthand with Techstars, the leading mentorship-driven startup accelerator and venture capital firm that has invested in and mentored thousands of companies, collectively representing billions of dollars in funding and market cap. Schwartzfarb, and the Techstars Worldwide Network of more than 10,000 mentors do one thing better than anyone: help startup entrepreneurs succeed. They know how to sell, how to hire people who know how to sell, and how to use sales to gain venture funding—and now you can, too.

Sell More Faster delivers the critical strategies and guidance necessary to avoid and manage the hazards all startups face and beat the odds. This valuable resource delivers:

A comprehensive playbook to identify product market direction and product market fit
Expert advice on building a diverse sales team and how to identify, recruit, and train the kinds of team members you need
Models and best practices for sales funnels, pricing, compensation, and scaling
A roadmap to create a repeatable and measurable path to find product-market fit
Aggregated knowledge from Techstars leaders and industry experts
Sell More Faster is an indispensable guide for entrepreneurs seeking product-market fit, building their sales team, developing a growth strategy, and chasing accelerated, sustained selling success."

Get this book on Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository

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Brad Feld, Nicole Glaros, David Cohen, Aziz Gilani, Kurt Rathmann

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Amos Schwartzfarb


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