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This book has 1 recommendation
Erik Rostad (Creator/Books of Titans project)
One of the final books I chose for my 2019 reading list was The Art of X-Ray Reading by Roy Peter Clark. I heard about this book in a podcast episode I listened to at the very end of the year. It was the last book I added to my list and I had to remove another book I had in the set of 52. This one sounded so interesting that I couldn't pass it up (and it was book 4 of my list and I absolutely loved it).
Amazon description
Roy Peter Clark, one of America's most influential writing teachers, offers writing lessons we can draw from 25 great texts.
Where do writers learn their best moves? They use a technique that Roy Peter Clark calls X-ray reading, a form of reading that lets you penetrate beyond the surface of a text to see how meaning is actually being made. In THE ART OF X-RAY READING, Clark invites you to don your X-ray reading glasses and join him on a guided tour through some of the most exquisite and masterful literary works of all time, from The Great Gatsby to Lolita to The Bluest Eye, and many more. Along the way, he shows you how to mine these masterpieces for invaluable writing strategies that you can add to your arsenal and apply in your own writing. Once you've experienced X-ray reading, your writing will never be the same again.
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