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This book has 1 recommendation
Stephane Grand (Managing Partner/S.J. Grand Financial and Tax Advisory)
I have been running my own businesses for the last 15 years. Just before that, before diving head-on into entrepreneurship and independence, I used to be the country monitor of a large accounting and consulting network for China. Having had some ethical differences with members of my former network, I decided to break away from it. However, since I was equipped with a very expensive education, everybody around me was recommending that I would go and work for another firm. I was mired in doubt and was considering going back to management consulting. I have always had two go-to books when having moments of self-doubt like this. Those books are the Zarathustra and the Gay Science by Nietzsche. As I was reading through the prologue of the Zarathustra, and the title character was seeing the acrobat crossing between towers on the marketplace of Baghdad, I realized that staying in a cushy job would not help me cross between the beast and the superman, in a manner of speaking. Hence, Nietzsche helped me make a decision that I had already made in my heart, and which consisted in starting my own company.Amazon description
One of Friedrich Nietzsche's classic works, The Gay Science (also known as The Joyful Wisdom), is the first of Nietzsche's writings to proclaim "God is dead" and to introduce Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of the eternal recurrence. Writing in Nietzsche's aphoristic style, the book also includes a number of poems
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