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Yaro Starak (Founder/Entrepreneurs-Journey.com)
During the early days of my life, my mother read to me the classics, like “The Hobbit”, “The Lord of the Rings”, Enid Blyton, “The Land of the Faraway Tree”, “The Narnia Chronicles”, “The Neverending Story” . All these books were really important to me as a kid and they became just as important to me as an adult because I read through most of them again, for example (obviously) The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and also The Narnia Chronicles. Went through all of those again and got something powerful out of them because you don’t realise as a child what kind of maybe more spiritual or religious or conceptual or psychological or philosophical messages are hidden within the stories, that you just can’t see them as a child, so it was really great to see them as an adult and take away that extra layer from those kind of books.Amazon description
The perfect gift for Blyton fans and new readers! A classic short tale from Enid Blyton's Magic Faraway Tree series, with fun and stunning new full-colour illustrations from Alex Paterson.
Beth, Joe, Frannie and Rick thought they had had quite enough of adventures, but soon go up the Faraway Tree again and find themselves in the Land of Dreams. The dastardly Sandman makes them fall asleep and Silky has to find a way to get them home in one piece! Along the way, they encounter muffins that turn into kittens, a bus that turns into a plane and a boat, and lots more... The magical Faraway Tree has been entertaining readers for more than 75 years.
Now these colour short stories offer a great way for a whole host of young new readers to discover the adventures of Silky, Moon-Face, the Saucepan Man and all of their friends in the Enchanted Wood. Enid Blyton was born in East Dulwich, South London, in 1897. She wrote over six hundred books in her lifetime, including many of the 20th century's most popular children's series. Some of her best-known works include the Famous Five, the Secret Seven, Malory Towers, The Magic Faraway Tree, The Wishing Chair and Noddy.
Enid Blyton died in 1968 but remains one of the world's best-loved storytellers and is consistently voted a children's favourite in reader polls.
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