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This book has 1 recommendation
Ryan Holiday (Founder/Brass Check)
A Syrian slave in the first century BC, Publius Syrus is a fountain of quick, helpful wisdom that you cannot help but recall and apply to your life. “Rivers are easiest to cross at their source.” “Want a great empire? Rule over yourself.” “Divide the fire and you will sooner put it out.”Amazon description
The philosophy of the ancient Syrian-Roman Publius Syrus defies easy categorization. Part Stoic, part Epicurean, and even part Sceptic and Cynic, the wit and wisdom of this former slave turned playwright transcends doctrine and embraces humanism. His dramatic works are all but lost – what remains is a collection of over one thousand one-line quotations known as The Moral Sayings of Publius Syrus – A Roman Slave. With a brevity and insight that would make Oscar Wilde proud, Syrus summarizes an astonishing range of human emotions in his memorable epigrams. Some of the topics may be antiquated but the insight is timeless. We don’t need to attend a Roman circus to appreciate the line:
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