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This book has 1 recommendation

Ryan Holiday (Media Strategist, Author, Founder/Brass Check)

Your life is defined by how good you get at saying no to the things you need to say no to.

Amazon description

How many times have you heard yourself saying yes to the wrong things—overwhelming requests, bad relationships, time-consuming obligations? How often have you wished you could summon the power to turn them down? This lively, practical guide helps you take back that power—and shows that a well-placed "No" can not only save you time and trouble, it can save your life. Drawing on their own stories as well as feedback from their readers and students, James Altucher and Claudia Azula Altucher clearly show that you have the right to say no: To anything that is hurting you. To standards that no longer serve you. To people who drain you of your creativity and expression. To beliefs that are not true to the real you. When you do, you’ll be freed to say a truly powerful "Yes" in your life—one that opens the door to opportunities, abundance, and love.

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Ryan Holiday

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James Altucher, Claudia Azula Altucher


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