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This book has 1 recommendation

Grey Baker (Co-Founder/Dependabot)

The language is so beautiful, and was so different to anything I’d read before. I remember feeling swept along by it for hours.

Amazon description

One of Woolf’s most experimental novel, consisting of soliloquies spoken by the book’s six characters: Bernard, Susan, Rhoda, Neville, Jinny, and Louis. A seventh character, Percival, also play an important role though the reader never actually hears him speak in his own voice. The soliloquies that span the characters’ lives are broken up by nine brief third-person interludes detailing a coastal scene at varying stages in a day from sunrise to sunset. As the six characters or “voices” speak Woolf explores concepts of individuality, self and community. Each character is distinct, yet together they compose (as Ida Klitgård has put it) a gestalt about a silent central consciousness

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Virginia Woolf


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