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This book has 4 recommendations
Ionut Danifeld (Co-Founder/DevMark.co)
If you want to think outside of the box and read some outstanding examples, this book is a must.Ben Cohen (Co-founder/Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream)
There's fake corporate marketing and then there's real marketing. This is the real stuff for real people.Brian Swette (Former CEO/PepsiCo)
Buzzmarketing works. It’s not just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have!Steve Forbes (Editor-in-chief/Forbes)
A business book that’s both entertaining and useful for big brands and start-ups alike.Amazon description
These days consumers are paying less and less attention to advertising. A majority already zap commercials, and new technology keeps making it easier to tune out marketing messages.
Mark Hughes has written a breakthrough guide to the art of successful buzzmarketing which many people talk about but few truly understand. He draws on his own real-world experience as an executive and consultant, as well as untold stories of some of the great buzz generators of our time, including American Idol, tie-dye shirts, and the birth of Lite beer.
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Ionut Danifeld, Ben Cohen, Brian Swette, Steve Forbes