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This book has 1 recommendation
Sujan Patel (Co-Founder/Web Profits)
Marketing superstar Seth Godin explores why the economy isn't static, yet why we behave as if it is, in Poke the Box. In his book, Godin explores the anxiety behind failure and how we work so hard to compete without actually standing out or doing anything remarkable.
Godin suggests that in order to truly be excellent, we need to work harder at taking the initiative with things worth doing instead of trying so hard to just do what we're told. The book doesn’t give a lot of tactical advice, but it will make you question your own assumptions and challenge you to truly step out of the box.
Amazon description
If you are happy being just a dreamer, perhaps you don’t need this book.
If you’re enjoying the status quo, don’t even consider reading this book.
If you are content waiting for success to find you, please put this book down and go find something else to read.
Why has Poke the Box become a cult classic?
Because it’s a book that dares readers to do something they’re afraid of.
It could be what you need, too.
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