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This book has 2 recommendations
Ann Handley (CCO/MarketingProfs)
If you are selling to government (or hope to), you need to read this book! Actually, don't just read it. Do as Mark suggests: highlight it, mark it up, and use it for reference. It's a keeper.Steve Ressler (Founder/GovLoop.com)
What Zig Ziglar is to selling, Mark Amtower is to government marketing. He is a master ofhis domain and can break it down and teach it like no other. Don't waste time andmoney trying to enter the government market blind. Let Mark Amtower's Selling to theGovernment be the guide as you traverse this unmapped but lucrative territory.Amazon description
The U.S government market represents the largest single market—anywhere. Government contract tracking firm Onvia estimates that government business—federal, state, local, and education—represents better than 40 percent of the nation’s GDP. While anyone can play in this market, only those with the right preparation can win.
Selling to the Government offers real-world advice for successful entry into the biggest market anywhere. Get proven approaches, strategies, tactics, and tools to make your business stand out, build relationships, understand procedures, and win high-stakes contracts.
- Every year thousands of companies enter the massive U.S. Government (BtoG) marketplace, and by the end of the first year, most are gone and less than 10 percent make it to year two
- Author has advised hundreds of companies, including Apple, Dell, CDW, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, IT, GTSI, and many small firms, on all aspects of marketing and selling to the government
From the go/no-go decision, through company infrastructure requirements, marketing, sales, business development, and more, this book offers the best advice from the most recognized authority in the market.
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